Alpha Omega Portal 20.03 – 20.04, 2023


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We are now in the beginning of the new Solar Year, and with the Alpha Omega portal and New Moon in Aries bridging us into the new Solar Year, this is the perfect time to set your intentions for how you want this year to look like! There is a simple, yet powerful ritual that can be done now, and I wanted to share this with you, in case you resonate with the idea. 🙂

You will need a candle, pen and paper, some incense and a hot beverage of choice, such as herbal tea or ceremonial cacao. The best time to this is at 11 PM, but anytime is most comfortable for you is good too.

The ritual goes as follows: light the candle, burn some incense (incense sticks or cones, Palo Santo, or whatever type of cleansing, purifying and uplifting items you can use). On the first list write down everything you are now ready to let go of and release from your experience, and once you’re done, read it out loud and state your intention to release this, then safely burn the list, preferably into a metallic bowl. Once they paper is completely burned you can throw away the ashes in the bin, or you can scatter them in your garden, if you have that option. On the other sheet of paper write down all the things you wish to manifest next, and everything you wish to attract more of into your life! Then read this list too out loud and state you are open to divine guidance in achieving these goals and attracting the energy that is beneficial to you, to the highest good of all!

After doing this, try sitting in silent meditation for at least 5 minutes, to help anchor the ritual in your field more strongly. You can extend this part to an hour or more if you feel called to to that.

You can be as general and/or as detailed as you would like to with these lists, the important thing is that they are 100 percent honest and come from a pure heart. Don’t try to make it perfect, as there is no such thing, everything transforms from one moment to the next!

What we are doing with this process is to activate the best timeline from this Now Moment, and asking the Universe to assist us with our next unfolding. It’s merely the beginning of magic! Stay open and willing to receive all that you have asked for!

Blessings on your Solar Year!


Magic Opportunities!


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So just a quick heads up for the energy of February, as this was the first time I’ve ever seen the four Aces and The Magician all coming up at the same time in a collective reading! The Ace of Wands came up later than the others, but still, that’s some pretty rare alignment! So if you wish to start re-imagining your life, or finally start on those projects that are closest to your heart, but somehow couldn’t seem to get to before, now it’s the time to do it! May this February bring you magical beginnings and may you also have fun on your way to your dreams! Blessings!

Soul Guidance & My Tarot Journey


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As today’s New Moon comes under the sign of Aries this 1st of April, 2022, new journeys begin for everyone. This is my first Tarot related post, coincidentally published on this date, mirroring the symbol of new beginnings of The Fool, the first card of the Tarot deck. I’m kidding, there are no coincidences. 🙂

The Fool – Rider Waite Tarot deck

Last year, the month of September marked the beginning of a deeper exploration of the soul guidance field for me, something I’ve always been attracted to, and always found myself curious about. My journey through the reawakening of my own feminine naturally led me often to moments where I would tap into my psychic abilities, like sensing other people’s energy, receiving messages through dreams or signs and synchronicities that helped me better navigate situations and life, and guiding myself and others through life decisions and tough circumstances. Reading cards is congruent with the use of my own intuition, to connect to the divine guidance, and integrate that into practical and actionable steps. I’ve also been studying and applying the healing power of natural remedies, and the transformative power of rituals, aroma therapy, crystal therapy, energy work, breath work, and so on.

The Tarot proved to be its own universe, ever so fascinating and always mirroring my own journey, not only that of the people I read for. I have done close to a thousand readings, for hundreds of clients, and the Tarot never ceases to amaze me as a tool for understanding ourselves better and gaining clarity.

  • I am a Double Cancerian (my Cancer sign and Cancer ascendant make me highly intuitive)
  • A Golden Rooster (as a metal Golden Rooster in the Chinese Zodiac, I am both methodical and clear in my guidance)
  • My Archetypes are Teacher, Artist & Phoenix

My aim is to assist you in better understand situations, and in gaining clarity on the patterns that need to be healed, in order to navigate more smoothly through life. I do both Tarot reading Sessions, and Spiritual Guidance sessions.


  • Tarot Intuitive Reading/Oracle cards interpretations/Angel Messages
  • Relationship Advice/Career Advice
  • Astrological Elemental analysis
  • Dream analysis
  • Personalized mantras
  • Guided meditation/Guided visualization
  • EFT Tapping & NLP
  • Gemstones & crystal knowledge/Aromatherapy knowledge
  • Breathing techniques for stress and anxiety relief, and getting unstuck from certain patterns.


I started getting messages from Spirit through the cards since I was a little girl, and did readings to offer help and love advice to my friends. 🙂 I also always felt very connected to nature and the elements, and as a kid, I spent most of my time in nature, near the river, or in the forests around my grandparents home.

The meanings of the 12 zodiac signs revealed themselves to me in high school, and I have been learning new ways in which they can help us make sense of life, human interactions and situations ever since.

With one of my main archetypes as Teacher, I am a student of Life myself. I have never stopped learning about myself, life and the world, and many of my spiritual lessons came through some hard situations around love and health. This was to prepare me to be a better guide for those who were victims of narcissistic abuse and also the ones who want to become better at self love and self acceptance.

As an Artist I always incorporated messages from Spirit into my art, weather it was painting, photography or fiber/textile art, and the name of my Art Diploma Artwork is “Resonances”, a study in the way we are all interconnected. During my pedagogical module in Art University, I also studied human behavior, especially the child behavior and teaching methodology.

A lot of messages from the Spirit world come to me in dreams and many in the beginning of the day. This is why I do my meditations before starting my day, to get on the frequency of that which we can’t see, but can feel and tap into through our divine connection to the universal mind.

Along with becoming a Venus Ambassador for the book “Resurrecting Venus”, by author and life coach Cynthia Occelli, I rediscovered meditation, and that became a daily practice in my life, which changed my life for ever, as that helped me become more and more in tune with my spiritual side.

A few years later, after going through some trying health situations, I started including a yoga practice in my weekly, if not daily schedule, which has also influenced all aspects of my life in many positive ways.

My graphic designer, retoucher and video editor work, in TV, agencies, production studios, real estate and so on, have helped me to better understand the power of communication, both through imagery and verbal mediums, and served as a learning curve on how to better deliver a message, or model principles which can better this experience which we call life on Earth.


1986 – 2021 – artistic activity: painting, sculpting, textile work, art photography, etc.

1993 – Started doing Playing Card readings;

1995 – Discovered Tarot, the Major Arcana;

1999 – Art Highschool Graduation – Decorative Arts Diploma;

2003 – Art University Graduation – Decorative Arts Bachelors Degree – Arts Teacher Degree;

2003 – 2021 Graphic Design activity (TV, PR, Photo Editing, Real Estate, Social Media, etc.)

2012 Became a book ambassador for Cynthia Occelli’s book “Resurrecting Venus”, a book an embracing your feminine power;

2013 Started the ‘soulpatterns’ blog;

2019 Published my ‘50 Mantras To reconnect With Yourself‘;

2021 Published the first Mantras cards deck – ‘12 Self Love Mantras Card Set‘ on Etsy;

2021 (September) – Started working as a professional Tarot reader and Soul Guide.


I am passionate about the inner workings of our bodies and souls, and the dance we do inside the illusion of time and space, and beyond, the way we evolve as humans, how we connect and interact, what we choose to perpetuate and what we choose to leave behind.

In case you wish to do a reading with me, or you find yourself in need of some soul guidance,

you can book a session with me, by dropping me a line at


Viitorul adevărului / The Future of Truth


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“Dacă guvernul te poate separa de societate pentru că nu ai acceptat să te tratezi cu ce ți-a ordonat, acea societate nu mai e una liberă și corpul tău nu mai e al tau – ci aparține guvernului.”


Asta înseamnă că absolut orice alegere reală nu-ți va mai aparține niciodată, înafară de ce culoare vrei să fie gogoașa pe care o cumperi…

Eu intreb: o viață ca sclav mai e viață?

Oare nu ne-am săturat să ne fie folosite împotriva noastră drepturile inalinenabile și să asistăm la colapsul societății moderne, și la osândirea copiilor și a viitorului omenirii?

Ce, oare, stă de fapt la baza aceastei resemnări?

Să fie doar psihoza generată de propaganda platită tot din banii noștri?

Să fie doar o falsă iluzie de mântuire, care pare să o conțină un viitor hiperdigitalizat/hipercontrolat?

Sau este un mod facil de a ne proiecta propria nevoie de a îi pedepsi pe toți cei care nu sunt ca noi?

Să fie nevoia de a ne simți parte dintr-un sistem, aparent superior, ceea ce ne face orbi la suferința cauzată de așa zisa strategie de salvare?

Politicul e o consecință a spiritualului, sau, după caz, a lipsei conștientizării lui.

Medicalul ar trebui să sprijine fizicul și mentalul, nu să fie utilizat ca unealtă de înrobire.

În 200 de ani, noi, cei ce ne resemnăm acum, nu vom mai fi, decât ca niște amintiri digitale pentru unii… Dar copiii, și copii lor, vor trebui să trăiască în ceea ce noi azi decidem pentru ei.

Cred că copiii merită adevărul.

“If government can lock you out of society because you didn’t take a medical treatment, that society is no longer free and you don’t own your body – the government does.”


This means that any real future choice will never belong to you anymore, besides maybe choosing the color of the doughnut you wish to buy…

I’m asking a simple question: is life as a slave, be it a modern one, really worth it?

Aren’t we sick of our own inalienable rights being used against us? Aren’t we tired of watching the modern society collapse, right in front of our eyes?… The future of mankind being destroyed, starting with the sentencing of our kids?

What is the real reason we have silently accepted this new paradigm that we are currently living?

Is it just the mass formation, psychotic trance, that we were sucked into by the propaganda?

Is it just the false illusion of salvation, which seems to be contained by a hyperdigitalized/hypercontrolled future?

Is it the need to be a part of an apparently superior system that makes us blind to the suffering that this so called rescuing strategy has been inflicting upon society as a whole, for the better part of the past two years?

The political aspect of a nation is a consequence of the spiritual one, or a lack of the awareness of it.

The medical system should support! the phisical and mental well being of society, and should never! be used a tool for enslavement of the people.

200 years from now, we, the ones who are disowning our power and truth, will be here no more, apart from a digital memory for some of those who remain. But the children, and their children will have to live in the society built on the decisions we make for them, today.

I think our children deserve the truth.

Catch Up with Life


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Stop rushing through life for a moment. And listen to what life has to say to you. There is so much potential for astounding change, and we have so much potential for choosing to create incredibly beautiful new realities, if we would only truly listen.

12 Self Love Mantras Cards


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What gifts are you giving yourself today?

We all know that external validation is mirage that fades fast.
The real validation comes from within. Anything you’re expecting from the outer world,
you posses tones of inside, already! You just have to give yourself the permission to access them.

For those on a spiritual journey, these cards are a reminder of the inner work you’ve
already done, and of the wonderful manifestations you are capable of.

Everything starts with you, all the dreams you have inside are waiting for you to allow them to fly!

Self love is the foundation of spiritual becoming. Let these reminders support that!

You are deserving!

Even if we have daily rituals in place, such as meditation and mindfulness practices, we often tend to get caught up in the day, and unless we search for ways to anchor ourselves in the frequency that sustains our peace, it’s easy to start sliding on a less desirable spiral. These cards can serve as an anchoring in the positive vibrations field and make it easier to remain connected to it and not fall bellow the threshold of that which supports us in our highest good.


12 Self Love Mantras Cards Set. 4 X A4 sheets, 3 cards each.

Digital items, with a 300 dpi resolution, that can be easily printed on the A4 format (classic printing format).
Each sheet has a trim grid overlay, to make it easy to be cut into 3 separate cards each.
They can be hanged on the wall, or framed, and kept on the work desk, or you can simply stick them on the fridge door. They can also be easily carried in your bag, wherever you go.

Give yourself the gift of remembering you deserve love and that you can give that to yourself each day!

Gânduri despre adevărul interior


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Trebuie să conştientizezi ce-ți faci pe interior. Nu numai cu mâncarurile pe care le mănânci, băuturile pe care le bei, dar şi cu gândurile pe care le ai, față de tine şi față de lume, adevărurile pe care le negi, neadevărurile de care te agăți – din teama de a nu greşi, sau din cauză că nu ştii ce altceva să faci (sau nu ştii că e posibil să existe alternative).

Tiparele personale create pe (bază de) iluzii nu sunt structuri durabile, şi viața îți va arăta acest lucru constant.

Doar tiparele ce au la baza adevărul pot susține ceva durabil.

Datoria ta individuală este să îți dai voie să vezi cel mai profund nivel al adevărului personal, şi să construieşti în continuarea lui. Restul sunt detalii.


Full Moon Astro Guidance in building a new world


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A few videos from goddesses around the world, who’s work is helping humanity better understand its patterns of evolution:

Hope they bring some clarity in these trying times that most of us go through right now.

  1. Pam Gregory – Historical Alignments and meanings

2. Soul in Vibration – Chaos vs Order

3. Astrology Wonder Girl – Adjacent Possibilities

4. Prema Lee Gurreri – Vedic Astrology

5. Penelope Ryder – Pluto Aquarius 2023/2024